Turbo & Downpipe Adapter Install Install
When working with Holset based turbochargers, such as the Super 54 and Super 60, it is essential to follow proper installation procedures to avoid unn...
Tuning a 6.5L Turbo Diesel
Depending on your model year, various options are available The early model years 6.2 and 6.5L all use DB2 mechanical injection pumps If the vehicle h...
Super 54 to Stock Plenum
While we always recommend our high flow plenum upgrade be paired with our turbos, some owners choose to use the stock plenum with an upgraded turbo. ...
Monitoring 1996+ with the Torque App
The TORQUE application is an Android app that can read codes and display live data for any OBDII vehicle. We have expanded on the default functionali...
Timing a 6.5L with the GM TECHII
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting the timing on a DS4 injection pump using a scan tool with TIME SET and TDCO Learn capabiliti...
Troubleshooting IDI Diesel engines with the Stanadyne DS4 Electronic Injection Pump
Scan tool is essential for proper diagnosis 1994-1995 models: OBD1 system 1996-2000 models: OBD2 system Diagnostic codes differ between year ranges Po...
New Engine Break-In
This article is written for a new production Optimizer 6500 engine but can be applied to other builds, where applicable. During break-in, use CONVENTI...
Recommended Fuel Pressure
Lift Pump functionality is a CRITICAL part of the fuel system on any diesel vehicle. The 6.5L is no exception. There are different requirements depend...
Troubleshooting 6.5L Tune Installation
Pump/Tune Mismatch Verify stock chip ID number and ID number on the injection pump 5068 pump needs a 5068 tune All other pumps need a 5521 tune Incorr...
6.5L Diesel EFI Systems: A Deep Dive
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the 6.5L Diesel EFI Systems, focusing on the operation and diagnostics of these engines. Three Stage...
1994+ 6.5L Diesel: Is the Optical Sensor Filter Harness Necessary?
Summary: This article addresses the question of whether the optional sensor filter harness is required for 1994 and newer 6.5L diesel engines with th...
Glow Plug Heat Shields
Quadstar's stainless glow plug heat shields are made to be upgraded versions of the stock fitment. This means they are built to fit the stock exhaust ...
Troubleshooting IDI Diesel Engines with Stanadyne DB2 Mechanical Pumps
If you're dealing with issues with a Stanadyne DB2 mechanical pump, this guide will help you diagnose and potentially resolve common problems. Let's d...
OBDII 6.5L Passlock Security Relearn
To perform a Passlock system relearn, make sure the vehicle battery is fully charged, as it will be used for 30 minutes without the alternator for cha...
PO251 and Optic Sensor Troubleshooting
Customer Reports: " Pull out onto the main road, rpms only go to 2200 and no power. Lags at 2200 for a moment finally shifts to second gear. This repe...
DS4 Injection Pump General
Get the timing set and give us some data from your scan tool. We don't like to guess without data so you'll be scratching your head without doing this...
Cold Weather Diesel Starting Guide
Having issues starting your diesel vehicle in cold weather? This guide provides tips to help diagnose and improve starting in temperatures as low as -...
OBDII Trouble Codes
All 1996 and later 6.5L vehicles utilize the OBDII protocol which will require an OBDII scanner to query codes from the DLC under the steering column....
OBDI Trouble Codes
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 1994-1995 Trucks use 8192 Baud Data (OBDI).  You can simply count flashes of the CEL/SES light on the dashboard after g...
DS4 Part Number Cross References
1994-2002 GM Trucks, Suburbans, Vans, Hummers, and some later model Hummers as well. DS4831-5288, 5459, 5521, 5521S, 5521WE, 5942 These are all supers...
Timing 6.2L and 6.5L Injection Pumps
This post provides step-by-step instructions on how to properly time the DS4 injection pump on the GM 6.5L Turbo Diesel engine. We have divided the pr...
RPO Codes
These are 3 digit identification numbers that will tell you the factory build options of your GM vehicle There is a sticker on the inside of the glove...
6.5L Alternator Pulley Size
This is important because the tachometer signal comes from the alternator on all 6.5L diesel trucks. If the pulley size is wrong, then the tachometer...