Tuning a 6.5L Turbo Diesel


Depending on your model year, various options are available

Model Year Limitations

1993 and Older 6.5L

The early model years 6.2 and 6.5L all use DB2 mechanical injection pumps

If the vehicle has a computer module, it is a transmission control module (TCM) only

"Tuning" these means one of two things:

  • Turning up the fuel adjustment screw (minimal gains)

  • Swapping the injection pump for a higher output model

1994-1995 6.5L

These model years are generally OBDI systems that have a removable EEPROM chip

There are two options available for these:

1996+ 6.5L


These model years are generally OBDII systems with a #16216588 PCM

This PCM is totally integrated into one unit that controls both engine and transmission functions.

The memory chip is NOT removable. The entire module must be sent to us for re-flash, or replaced with another PCM that is already tuned.

We can NOT read the file that is on it without de-soldering the memory chip and destroying the circuit board.

What parameters can be changed?

This is just a sampling of the main parameters we can work with, to give you an idea of what's involved


  • Throttle sensitivity

  • Maximum fuel rate

  • Fuel rate curve


  • Dynamic fuel injection timing

  • Timing offset based on coolant temperature

  • Timing offset based on intake air temperature

Glow Plugs

  • Glow plug pre glow operation and duration

  • Glow plug post glow operation and duration

  • Minimize or disable glow plug run time at operating temperature, where they are not needed


  • Torque converter lock & unlock MPH

  • Torque converter staying locked on deceleration

  • Upshift and downshift MPH

  • Shift Firmness

Vehicle Changes

  • Transmission swap

    • Auto to manual or manual to auto

    • Disable integrated transmission control when using a standalone controller

    • 6L80 or 6L90 swap

  • Injection pump change

    • 5068 DS4 pump can be fitted to any model year with correct tuning

    • 5068 to 5521 swap on a 1994, or vice-versa

  • DTC Disable