Timing a 6.5L with the GM TECHII


Setting DS4 Injection Pump Timing


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting the timing on a DS4 injection pump using a scan tool with TIME SET and TDCO Learn capabilities.

Required Tools

  • Scan tool (TECH II recommended)

  • Basic hand tools for pump adjustment


Step 1: Initial Timing Position

  1. Access the "Time Set" feature on your scan tool

  2. Adjust the pump position until the "Actual Timing" reading averages approximately 3.5

    • Note: Some fluctuation in the reading is normal

Important Note for Advanced Users: While experienced technicians may skip the TIME SET command, novice users should always perform this step to ensure accurate positioning.

Step 2: TDCO Learn

  1. Perform a "TDCO Learn" procedure

  2. Record the resulting TDCO (Top Dead Center Offset) value

Step 3: Fine Adjustment

  1. Make small incremental adjustments to the pump position

  2. Perform TDCO Learn after each adjustment

  3. Continue adjusting until reaching desired specifications:

    • Factory setting: -0.50

    • Acceptable range: -0.25 to -0.75

Step 4: Final Securing

  1. Verify final TDCO value is within specification

  2. Tighten all three pump retaining nuts to proper torque specification


If TDCO Learn returns the following values:

  • OBDI: -1.94/+1.94

  • OBDII: -2.46/+2.46

These readings indicate either:

  1. The pump position needs to be reset using the Time Set feature (return to Step 1)

  2. A potential mechanical issue exists that requires investigation

Technical Notes

  • A TECH II scan tool is strongly recommended for this procedure

  • Not all scan tools support the TIME SET function, which may complicate the timing process

  • The TIME SET feature significantly reduces the time required for accurate pump positioning